
Everything you need to know about Intact Global

This charter provides an in-depth overview of our organization, including our legal foundation, operational scope, and the principles driving our work.

Introduction & History

Organization Name

Our official legal name

Intact Global, Inc.

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Establishment Date

The date of our legal founding

Friday, March 22, 2024

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501(c)(3) application pending.

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Geographic Scope

Our physical area of operations

Intact Global is Incorporated in Delaware, headquartered in California and is a registered Foreign Entity in Oregon.

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Mission Statement

Our core purpose for existing

To protect all children from forced, non-religious genital mutilation.

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Vision Statement

Our desired future outcome

A world where all children are free from the harm of forced, non-religious genital mutilation.

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Primary Beneficiaries

Who we serve

We primarily serve those at risk of or affected by forced, non-religious genital mutilation, families seeking to protect their children’s bodily integrity, and advocates for children’s rights and bodily autonomy.

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Founding History

A brief history on our creation

Eric Clopper, a lifelong advocate against forced, non-religious genital mutilation, founded Intact Global, Inc. to swiftly combat this child abuse through legal, educational, and advocacy initiatives.

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Overview & Strategy

Impact Goals

How we measure success

We measure success by the total number of children we can legally protect from forced, non-religious genital mutilation.

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Theory of Change

Actions we believe will lead to success

We are challenging existing state laws by arguing that they violate constitutional guarantees of equal protection on the basis of sex.

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Core Values

Our fundamental beliefs

We operate under three core beliefs: every child has the human right to bodily integrity; forced, non-religious genital mutilation is a violation of human rights; and prohibiting such practices is both scientifically justified and morally imperative.

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Guiding Principles

Our decision-making guidelines

Our decision-making is guided by three principles: we base our positions on evidence, we ground our words in empathy, and we align our actions with the best interests of our beneficiaries.

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Politics & Religion

Our stance on politics & religion

Our organization is non-political and non-religious. We focus solely on protecting all children from forced, non-religious genital mutilation. We welcome support from all backgrounds to promote children’s rights and bodily autonomy.

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Sex & Intersex

Our stance on intersex people

Our mission to protect all children from forced, non-religious genital mutilation (including "corrective surgeries") explicitly includes intersex children.

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Governance & Leadership

Board of Directors

Those responsible for strategic oversight

Our Board of Directors consists of Eric Clopper as President; Peter Trevino as Vice President; Joe McCormack as Treasurer; William Wong as Secretary; and Che Johnson as Board Member.

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Executive Team

Those responsible for day-to-day operations

Our Executive Team consists of Eric Clopper as Executive Director; Peter Trevino as Communications Director; Joe McCormack as Director of Development; William Wong as Director of Marketing; and Che Johnson as Director of Community Development.

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The sub-teams supporting our objectives

Our organization is comprised of six key committees: Litigation, Coalition, Conference, Intactivisim, Fundraising, and Communications. For information about joining our advisory board or lending your expertise, please contact us.

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Organizational Chart

Visual representation of our structure

We bring the many disparate stakeholders of the Intactivist Movement together to form a unified front to protect children.

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Board Recruitment

Our process for selecting Board members

We seek individuals committed to our mission to protect children from forced, non-religious genital mutilation. Ideal Board members will align with our values, demonstrate integrity, leadership, strategic vision, resilience, and bring expertise in fields like law, medicine, advocacy, or finance.

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Decision Making Process

Our process for major decisions

Every major decision begins with committee research, reviewed by the Communications Committee for mission alignment, assessed by the Executive Team for risk and impact, and then recommended to the Board for approval or rejection.

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Conflict Resolution

How we resolve disputes

Our conflict resolution process is grounded in a Mission-First principle, encouraging direct, confidential resolution between parties while keeping our mission as the central focus. If conflicts remain unresolved, they escalate through a structured mediation process.

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Initiatives & Programs

Strategic Plan

Our roadmap for success

Our mission aims to set a legal precedent with a state challenge, drive multiple state challenges to reach the U.S. Supreme Court, and secure a ruling that ends forced, non-religious genital mutilation nationwide, ensuring equal protection for all children.

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Core Initiatives

Our primary areas of focus

We focus on four key areas: challenging unconstitutional laws through Intact Litigation, establishing a united Intact Coalition, cultivating a strong community through our annual Intact Conference, and empowering everyday Intactivists to accelerate our mission success.​

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Programs Development

Why we chose our initiatives

Our core initiatives were established by evaluating them for alignment with our mission, researching gaps and opportunities, planning to acquire necessary resources, and developing strategies for execution.

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Programs Evaluation

How we assess our initiatives' efficacy

We evaluate our initiatives based on measurable outcomes, data support for continued efforts, opportunities for improvement, and how effectively each initiative advances our mission.

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Fundraising & Development

Fundraising Strategy

Our plans to secure funding

Our fundraising strategy focuses on pooling resources with Intact Coalition members, partnering with supportive businesses through sponsorships, engaging individual donors through events and outreach, and securing funding via grant applications.

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Donor Relations

How we communicate progress

Our donor relations strategy focuses on radical transparency, providing detailed progress updates, building community through events, and fostering direct, personalized interactions through our online communities.

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Coalition & Partnerships

Our strategic alliances

Our Coalition & Partnerships strategies aim to build a broad network of allies, committed to children’s rights, prioritizing action-oriented partners who drive change, challenge norms, and cultivate long-term, trust-based support to achieve our mission.

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Communications & Identity

Visual Identity

Our visual representation

Our visual identity consists of a logo featuring a newborn boy and girl weighing equally on the scales of justice, baby blue and pink for innocence and balance, a bold and highly legible primary font that's paired with a gentle, warm, and sophisticated secondary font.

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Messaging Framework

Our key messages and themes

Our core message is delivered in a clear and straightforward manner, is consist and memorable, and maintains a universal appeal that resonates with all audiences by emphasizing equality and justice.

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Communication Principles

How we convey our message

Our discourse advocates for justice and children’s rights, is grounded in credible science, promotes equality, educates and informs, and fosters a spirit of cooperation.

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Voice & Tone

Our personality and character

Our voice is defined by passion, empathy, science, and an unwavering spirit. Our tone remains respectful, constructive, strategic, supportive and offers hope to our beneficiaries.

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Media Relations

How we engage with the media

Our media relations strategy is based on us acting as our own media outlet to ensure control of our narrative, crafting adaptable messages for decentralized distribution, inviting traditional media outlets to engage with us, and leveraging social media’s viral potential.

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Social Media Guidelines

How we engage with social media

Our social media strategy engages with people online with the same integrity as in real life, focuses on mission-driven dialogue, manages conflicts strategically without unnecessary escalation, stays on message, and otherwise ignores/avoids the noisy and disruptive side internet culture altogether.

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Disavowal Statement

Words and behaviors we explicitly reject

We disavow any communications, statements, or actions that do not align with our mission, core values, code of ethics, voice and tone guidelines, or any aspect of our broader strategies.

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Lobbying & Political Activities

Our role as a public charity

We strictly adhere to the IRS guidelines for lobbying and political activities as defined on the IRS website and on this page.

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Conflict of Interest Policy

How we prevent conflicts of interest

We safeguard our organization, supporters, and beneficiaries by requiring directors, officers, employees, and contractors to disclose potential conflicts, ensuring transparency, integrity, and accountability in all operations and decisions.

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Whistleblower Policy

How we protect whistleblowers

We provide a safe and confidential environment for board members, directors, employees, volunteers and stakeholders to report unethical or illegal activities within our organization without fear of retaliation.

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Gift Acceptance Policy

How we handle gifts

We have strict guidelines for accepting gifts, grants, and donations to ensure that all accepted contributions align with the our mission, values, and legal obligations.

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Document Retention Policy

How we handle records

We systematically manage documents and records to ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, and operational requirements while also mitigating risks and promoting transparency and accountability.

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Privacy Policy

How we use your data

We collect and use personal information on our website while providing data access and correction options, emphasizing our commitment to transparency, security, and compliance with data protection regulations.

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Cookies Policy

How we use your cookies

We use a variety of cookies on our website and offer users an easy way to manage their preferences, ensuring transparency and compliance with data protection regulations.

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