September 14, 2024 10:34 AM

Social Media Guidelines

How we engage with social media

Our social media strategy engages with people online with the same integrity as in real life, focuses on mission-driven dialogue, manages conflicts strategically without unnecessary escalation, stays on message, and otherwise ignores/avoids the noisy and disruptive side internet culture altogether.

Our social media strategies are guided by five core principles:

  1. Real-Life Communication: Our digital interactions reflect the same integrity and thoughtfulness as face-to-face conversations, fostering genuine engagement and understanding;
  2. Purposeful Engagement: We carefully choose our engagements, focusing on constructive dialogues that further our mission;
  3. Conflict Management: Our success online doesn’t rely on toughness or bravado but on our ability to strategically pick battles that align with our values and can be won without escalating into unnecessary conflict;
  4. Stay on Message: We keep our focus on our core mission. Distractions and side arguments can dilute our message. We steer conversations back to the main issues we advocate for and avoid being pulled into irrelevant debates;
  5. Avoid Trolls & Shills: We never engage with trolls or shills with ulterior motives, recognizing that responding to them only fuels their disruptive behavior.