September 10, 2024 11:47 AM

Whistleblower Policy

How we protect whistleblowers

We provide a safe and confidential environment for board members, directors, employees, volunteers and stakeholders to report unethical or illegal activities within our organization without fear of retaliation.

Updated: May 4, 2024

Reporting Mechanisms

Anyone who has concerns or suspicions of wrongdoing at IGI, including but not limited to Directors, employees, volunteers, independent contractors, and stakeholders, should report their concerns or suspicions of wrongdoing to the Sole Member or to the Board of Directors of IGI.


All reports of suspected wrongdoing will be treated with confidentiality to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct a thorough investigation. Information related to whistleblowing reports will be disclosed only on a need-to-know basis and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


IGI prohibits retaliation against individuals who report suspected wrongdoing or participate in investigations in good faith. Any instances of retaliation will be promptly investigated, and disciplinary action will be taken against those found responsible as appropriate.

Investigation Process

All reports of suspected wrongdoing will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by the appropriate authorities within IGI. Investigations will be conducted impartially, and appropriate corrective actions will be taken based on the findings.

Protection of Whistleblowers

IGI is committed to protecting the confidentiality and anonymity of whistleblowers to the fullest extent possible. Any attempts to identify or retaliate against whistleblowers will be met with disciplinary action as appropriate.

Annual Reporting

IGI will provide a written report at least once per calendar year to the Board of Directors (or delegated subcommittee) summarizing the number and nature of whistleblowing reports received, investigations conducted, and actions taken in response.


All Directors, employees, important independent contractors, volunteers, and stakeholders of IGI should be made aware of this Policy, and be promptly sent a copy of this Policy upon request. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, removal from volunteer positions, and/or legal action as appropriate.