Letter to the Editor
Friday, September 20, 2024
The New York Times
Joseph Kahn
Executive Editor
Pamela Paul
Opinion Columnist
The Medical Establishment Closes Ranks, and Patients Feel the Effects
September 19, 2024

Dear Editor,

Pamela Paul’s article, "The Medical Establishment Closes Ranks, and Patients Feel the Effects" (Sept. 19, 2024), echoes a disturbing pattern: medical authorities holding onto flawed practices despite evidence to the contrary. This reluctance to admit error has devastating consequences for patients.

This same institutional resistance applies to the practice of non-consensual circumcision in the U.S. Despite increasing evidence that routine infant circumcision lacks medical necessity, it remains widespread. As founder of Intact Global Inc, I advocate for the protection of all children, including boys, from medically unnecessary genital cutting. This issue, like the cases outlined in Paul’s article, calls for medical professionals to reconsider outdated recommendations and protect children’s bodily autonomy.

It’s time to question why the U.S. allows non-consensual circumcision to continue. We need to ensure that all children—regardless of gender—are protected from unnecessary medical procedures.


Eric Clopper, Esq.

Intact Global Inc, Founder & President

2482 Cheremoya Ave

Los Angeles CA 90068

+1 (617) 957-2363


Intact Global Inc. (IGI) is a 501(c)(3) PENDING non-profit organization dedicated to protecting children’s rights and ending forced, non-religious genital mutilation. Founded on the principles of bodily autonomy, Intact Global aims to unite advocates, legal experts, and communities worldwide in a concerted effort to stop this harmful practice once and for all.

Learn more about how you can get involved at www.intactglobal.org.
